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Discussion on the contribution of electric hoist in environmental protection.


It is our duty to protect the environment of nature. Crane industry is no exception, with the rising number of engineering crane varieties and, like a crane resource consumed a lot of engineering machinery, such as emissions of pollutants is difficult to estimate the impact on the environment.

In order to protect human's precious and limited earth resources, realize global sustainable development, improve the safety and working comfort of operators, and strive to achieve the affinity of human, machine and environment. Crane machinery manufacturers are trying to develop environmentally friendly products and develop green production and processing technology.

Hoisting machinery industry in the mine hoist system and components design chooses the material is recyclable and easy to break down as far as possible, can reproduce and harmless to the environment in the process of processing and use of materials, especially the design of the structure should be used as far as possible, easy to assemble and decomposition of big modular structure and non-toxic material, enhances regeneration rate of engineering materials.

Generally, extend the life of the product is to reduce the production of electric hoist and reduce the scrap, reduce energy consumption of the product can reduce the pollution to the environment, and reduce the product weight can reduce the consumption of materials and resources. It is necessary to consider the interchangeability and universality of the similar